Divorce Mediation

Let’s work together to discover the resolution that is best for you and your family. 

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Why Mediation?

Divorce Isn't Easy.

By hiring a mediator, you and your soon to be ex, can work through issues in a logical and focused manner using a neutral divorce expert to guide you. You, and not a judge, will be able to decide what’s best for you and your family. Mediation provides a timetable that allows a more thorough discussion of issues in a peaceful manner. And Attorney Boettcher takes care of drafting all court required documents, including:  

You Don't Have to Go It Alone.

Attorney Boettcher guides parties through the complexities of divorce, assisting, facilitating and encouraging parties to reach a mutual agreement. She provides guidance about the law and answers all of your questions. Some of the benefits of Mediation include:

Things to consider

Is Mediation Right for You?

Mediation is what’s called an “Alternative Dispute Resolution” process. The “dispute” is your divorce and, rather than litigating the dispute at a court trial, mediation allows you and your spouse to discuss all of your concerns, get your questions answered and thoughtfully design a divorce agreement that is right for you. 

Likely a good fit if...

Not a good fit if...

How it works

The Mediation Process


Mediation via Zoom

Mediation sessions are conducted virtually via Zoom. This means you can attend from the comfort of your home or workplace. 


Gathering Information​​

Attorney Boettcher assists you in gathering required financial information and answers all questions you may have. 


Designing Your Divorce Terms

Attorney Boettcher meets with you and your spouse to work through any disagreements, and to design an agreement that meets both parties’ needs.


Drafting of Legal Documents

Once an agreement is reached, Attorney Boettcher drafts and files the settlement agreement and other court-required documents.


Preparation for Final Hearing

Attorney Boettcher prepares you for your final divorce hearing so you can appear in court confidently. (Mediators are not allowed to appear with the parties.)


Is there more?

Yes! Attorney Boettcher assists with all of the “after divorce” steps you must take to ensure a smooth transition to single life.

Next Steps

Get Started

To get started, please schedule a free Initial Consultation for you and your spouse. We will meet via Zoom. If you are unfamiliar with using Zoom, Attorney Boettcher will be happy to assist. At the consult, she will explain the divorce process and walk you through fees and other logistics. If both parties wish to proceed, advanced fees are deposited and a formal contract is entered into.

things you should know

Questions & Answers

Yes! And if you have a camera but are unfamiliar with Zoom, I can assist. 

If you and your spouse want to make sure things are done correctly in your divorce and you are willing to work together toward a settlement, then mediation is likely right for you.

Pursuant to law, parties must wait at least 4 months to get divorced after filing a divorce petition.  You can expect to have between 3 & 6 meetings with your spouse and Attorney Boettcher. 

Attorney Boettcher charges $300 per hour (each party pays $150 per hour). She requires an initial deposit of $1500 per party.

No payment plans are offered. 

The Only Constant In Life Is Change.
